The next few chapters describe a full application based on Devsphere Mapping Framework and the JavaMail standard extension. It contains a servlet called FormMailer and a standalone application called MailMonitor.
The FormMailer servlet uses the mapping framework and its helper packages to convert form data to bean objects and then to key-value pairs. The obtained ASCII text is emailed to one or more addresses using JavaMail.
The MailMonitor application uses JavaMail to get the messages from the e-mail server. Then, it converts the obtained key-value pairs to bean objects, which are forwarded to a dynamically loaded class for processing.
The HTML form may look like this:
<HEAD><TITLE>Simple form</TITLE></HEAD>
<P> String <BR>
<INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="string" SIZE="20">
<P> Number <BR>
<INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="number" SIZE="20">
<P> Integer <BR>
<INPUT TYPE="RADIO" NAME="integer" VALUE="1">Option 1
<INPUT TYPE="RADIO" NAME="integer" VALUE="2">Option 2
<INPUT TYPE="RADIO" NAME="integer" VALUE="3">Option 3
<P> Flag <BR>
The HTML form is mapped to a JavaBean like this
public class SimpleBean implements {
private String string;
private float number;
private int integer;
private boolean flag;
public String getString() { return this.string; }
public void setString(String value) { this.string = value; }
public float getNumber() { return this.number; }
public void setNumber(float value) { this.number = value; }
public int getInteger() { return this.integer; }
public void setInteger(int value) { this.integer = value; }
public boolean getFlag() { return this.flag; }
public void setFlag(boolean value) { this.flag = value; }
The valid bean objects would be processed by a class like this:
public class SimpleProc {
public void processSimpleBean(SimpleBean simpleBean) {
The following chapters present
- a servlet that may be used to send the form data to one or more email addresses,
- the store connectors, which are components that communicate with a message store,
- the core class of the application, which invokes the connectors' methods and deals with the multithreading issues,
- the class that starts the mail monitor application,
- an example that uses the form mailer and the mail monitor.