Using the latest JDK version is the right choice
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Each JDK version adds new APIs and fixes old bugs. JDK 1.3 is also faster than the 1.1 and 1.2 versions. The JDK 1.4, which was in beta stage when this benchmark was done, will probably be even faster. So, using the latest JDK version is the right choice.
Testing the JDKs with JAXP 1.1, SAX, no validation and no namespace support
JDK 1.3 is faster than JDK 1.2 and 1.1

Testing the JDKs with Xerces 1.4, DOM, validation and namespace support
All JDKs need the same amount of memory for the DOM tree, but JDK 1.3 is much faster

Testing the JDKs with JAXP 1.1, SAXDOMIX, no validation and no namespace support
JDK 1.3 offers better performance during the mixed SAX-DOM parsing as in all other cases

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XML Parsing Benchmark
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